Our Play Area


Play Area, the heart of childhood is present right inside the school with floor standing Air Conditioner. The Different types of swings and slides will refresh out students and improve their conversational and interpersonal skills during their interaction with their fellow students outside the classroom. Play Area will also serve the purpose of physical improvements where students will engage in sports to build their muscular flexibility and strength. This colorful and lively part of our school serves a greater purpose of bringing peace to their minds, helps them relate to their school and brings out their experimental

Colorful Classrooms


Interactive, self-explanatory, colorful and engaging classroom/notice boards capture the attention of students who learn from text, drawings visual demonstrations and info graphics. Such beautiful boards can be found abundantly in our school. Covering numerous topics, these boards help our students to adsorb information effortlessly and conveniently, in a way that they retain it much more clearly.

Computer Lab


Computer Lab is present which is of massive help to students to provide them with visual representations of the things they learn in their classroom. In this manner, deliverance of knowledge is greatly improved, allowing students to familiarize themselves with 2-D, 3-D and 4-D structures of things. This will help our younger students to quickly absorb the concepts of shapes and will help our senior students to research and learn information of a vast variety subjects. use of computers very critical for the purpose of knowledge-building and, therefore, we are focused to train our students, from a very young age, about the fundamental components and processes of computer systems.



Security is extremely important for children. Therefore, to provide them protection we have well trained security guards with fully armed equipment's and other helping staff who ensure the physical welfare of children. Also, we have first-aid kits for emergency response to any unfavorable situation which may arise. All the indoor and out outdoor activities is monitored by high resolution CCTV cameras under security in charge.